Gardens By The Bay


Hello! It's 2015 
And here we are, at Gardens By The Bay

While waiting for our tickets, we took some selfies

With a selfie stick of course 

Prior to entering, I found myself a new crown

And next, we were looking for where to dine at

Shunann, Ju and I scouted ahead first, for the foooood

Well, actually just Shunann scouting cause the both of us were taking more selfies

We then met up with the rest at Bakerzin

We got Ice Lemon Tea and Strawberry Milkshake 

Together with burgers and wraps (although this image only shows one burger)

After the meal, we went to Cloud Forest first

It was quite interesting and especially cold

2 dumbos shying away from the camera

There was an awful lot of information in the lower levels

TBH, I just like the infographics and not so much on the info

Thereafter, we headed to the Flower Dome

Lucky for me, Shunann "solved" the issue of night photography

There were many strange plants so here are some of the prettier one

Trala, it was a fun day

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