Dating in USS
06:01:00A good omen to start the day; Shun Ann spotted a rainbow on our way to USS. The weather today was predicted to be rainy in the morning and sunny in the noon. However, despite the forecast, we decided to go to USS as planned.
We arrived at USS early and it was already raining quite a bit.
While waiting for USS to open, we loitered inside one of the shops and saw this candy machine.
We couldn't take photos around the exterior of USS since it was still raining so Shunann decided to eat the globe instead.
After we entered USS, we took some photos, hoping that the rain will become smaller. Love this photo of Shunann.
Took a self shot of us too.
Venturing further, we spotted a Churro Van. A pity we didn't try it though.
On an impromptu decision, we went to take Sesame Street Spaghetti Space Chase since it's an indoor ride.
I actually enjoyed this ride a lot that we eventually took it again later that day.
Walking around, I made Shunann do a jump shot.
Next, we took the Transformer ride in the Sci-Fi Zone. By the end of the day, we took this ride at least 3 times, if I'm not wrong.
Shunann tried the transformer's mask in the gift shop.
And he tried to open the vault too.
At the Lost World, we took the Canopy Flyer and Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure.
(More can be seen in the vlog at the end of this post)
In Far Far Away, we went for Shrek 4-D Adventure and Donkey LIVE. They were both very entertaining.
I'm really thankful that there is much lesser people today due to the morning rain, thus having a less crowded day today. We actually covered most of USS before lunch.
For lunch, we ate at the Discovery Food Court. Shunann and I shared 2 sets which is the wanton mee and the laska. Both sets came with a bowl of bean sprout and bean curt.
We found a comfortable seat inside since it was rather empty and the counter lady was extremely friendly.
After lunch, we went to Ancient Egypt. I like this statue as it makes the whole experience rather realistic since they were so huge.
After riding Revenge of the Mummy twice in a row, Shunann had to pose with the sword and shield.
In Sci-Fi City, we couldn't take the Battlestar Galactica since it was closed so we headed for the Accelerator ride.
Walking back to take Transformers again, we stopped to take couple shots.
They were some extremely random poses.
Here, we also met People of Earth.
Shunann entering the Transformers ride.
Afterwards, we walked pass The Rockafellas as they did some street dance.
Anyway, I caught Shunann in the act of passing gas in public~
In Hollywood zone, we snapped a photo with Betty Boop.
And a random car.. Now whose car is this?!
We took picture with it anyway.
Walking back to Madagascar, Shunann took a candid shot of me.
We took couple pictures with the whole Madagascar group.
And after that, we went for Madagascar: A Crate Adventure.
Followed by, King Julien's Beach Party-Go-Round. I chose this sailor cause it looks the coolest among the rest.
Shunann took the one beside mine.
Passing by Far Far Away again, I went to Shrek's house.
Though he wasn't home. Anyway, Shunann took a photo of me.
In this photo, Shunann is threatening the gingerbread man.
By this time, we already took most of the rides and some of them twice even. So I suggested that we took Dino-Soarin' just for fun.
Back at Ancient Egypt, snapped a photo of Shunann.
And afterwards, we took Treasure Hunters.
After the ride ended, we took another another couple shot with the Army of Anubis.
And other random shots of Shunann
And me since we started exploring the area more.
Shunann is still extremely disappointed since Battlestar Galactica was closed.
Here is Shunann in front of Gotham Ice Company.
And my OOTD~?
So I managed to get a photo taken with Anubis! I think that he is very in character.
Lastly, a shot of the castle as we head for dinner.
For dinner, we ate at the Diner while there was a street performance by Mel's Dinettes.
Inside the diner, there was no queue and our orders were quick to come.
Here's our dinner!
I ordered Cheese and Chili Burger.
While Shunann ordered Shiok Burger.
We also tried milkshake for the first time and I had chocolate while he had vanilla. I tasted like melted ice cream to me.
While dining, The Cruisers started performing after Mel's Dinettes.
Before we end the day, we caught the last show of Monster Rock at Pantages Hollywood Theatre. It was enjoyable. Lastly, do check out our vlog which is on the rides we too in USS.